The Dawgs leap over Michigan into the top spot after their shutout of Arkansas.

1 - Georgia (5-0) (17.612518310546875)
2 - Michigan (5-0) (15.0433349609375)
3 - Oklahoma State (5-0) (12.84661865234375)
4 - Oklahoma (5-0) (12.1279296875)
5 - Iowa (5-0) (12.031768798828125)
6 - Notre Dame (4-1) (11.88616943359375)
7 - BYU (5-0) (11.61376953125)
8 - Alabama (5-0) (11.2305908203125)
9 - Cincinnati (4-0) (10.474334716796875)
10 - Arkansas (4-1) (10.458831787109375)
11 - Penn State (5-0) (10.407045364379883)
12 - UT San Antonio (5-0) (10.279476165771484)
13 - Wake Forest (5-0) (9.6640625)
14 - Texas (4-1) (9.531829833984375)
15 - Kentucky (5-0) (9.483055114746094)
16 - Ohio State (4-1) (8.579238891601562)
17 - Western Michigan (4-1) (8.2679443359375)
18 - Oregon (4-1) (7.813140869140625)
19 - Arizona State (4-1) (7.7374114990234375)
20 - Kansas State (3-2) (7.7283935546875)
21 - Michigan State (5-0) (7.4501953125)
22 - Maryland (4-1) (7.386932373046875)
23 - Wyoming (4-0) (7.1614990234375)
24 - Auburn (4-1) (6.868831634521484)
25 - UCLA (3-2) (6.694671630859375)