So I stopped updating the poll midway through the season last year. I found a bug in the code, and never got around to fixing it. If I recall, the bug was that the NCAA website I was scraping the data from wasn’t consistent with team names, and so we’d have situtations like “Ohio St.” and “Ohio State” being counted as separate teams.

With this year’s college football season less than a week away (!!!), I decided to dust off the old poll. I completely redid the code. Instead of scraping the NCAA website myself, I used CFBScrapy, an awesome Python module which makes querying a piece of cake. Way easier than what I had being dealing with!

So here it is – the final 2018 standings!

1 - Clemson (15-0) (74.8125)
2 - Alabama (14-1) (69.1875)
3 - Notre Dame (12-1) (66.40625)
4 - LSU (10-3) (52.203125)
5 - Florida (10-3) (45.80859375)
6 - Georgia (11-3) (45.498046875)
7 - Texas A&M (9-4) (44.576171875)
8 - Ohio State (13-1) (44.546875)
9 - UCF (12-1) (44.4921875)
10 - Oklahoma (12-2) (44.154296875)
11 - Kentucky (10-3) (43.7421875)
12 - Auburn (8-5) (39.5)
13 - Michigan (10-3) (39.3515625)
14 - Cincinnati (11-2) (36.53515625)
15 - Syracuse (10-3) (36.1953125)
16 - Mississippi State (8-5) (33.99609375)
17 - Texas (10-4) (33.80859375)
18 - Missouri (8-5) (33.72265625)
19 - Army (11-2) (33.6484375)
20 - Washington State (11-2) (33.4765625)
21 - Duke (8-5) (33.140625)
22 - Penn State (9-4) (32.578125)
23 - NC State (9-4) (31.609375)
24 - Iowa (9-4) (30.9296875)
25 - Stanford (9-4) (29.33203125)

Also, the missing years post was incorrect due to the bug mentioned above (Memphis as national champs should have probably tipped me off…), so here they are using the updated script.


1 - UCF (13-0) (58.9375)
2 - Georgia (13-2) (58.24609375)
3 - Alabama (13-1) (55.99609375)
4 - Wisconsin (13-1) (55.83984375)
5 - Penn State (11-2) (50.7421875)
6 - Ohio State (12-2) (48.1015625)
7 - Notre Dame (10-3) (47.6484375)
8 - Clemson (12-2) (44.3828125)
9 - TCU (11-3) (40.39453125)
10 - Michigan State (10-3) (40.29296875)
11 - Iowa (8-5) (39.984375)
12 - Miami (10-3) (39.79296875)
13 - Oklahoma (12-2) (39.71484375)
14 - Northwestern (10-3) (37.625)
15 - Oklahoma State (10-3) (36.97265625)
16 - Auburn (10-4) (36.9296875)
17 - Mississippi State (9-4) (35.98828125)
18 - Memphis (10-3) (34.625)
19 - USC (11-3) (34.59765625)
20 - South Carolina (9-4) (33.890625)
21 - NC State (9-4) (33.4296875)
22 - Army (10-3) (32.453125)
23 - Washington (10-3) (31.6171875)
24 - Stanford (9-5) (31.4765625)
25 - Louisville (8-5) (30.2109375)


1 - Alabama (14-1) (60.896484375)
2 - Clemson (14-1) (57.91796875)
3 - Ohio State (11-2) (49.65625)
4 - Western Michigan (13-1) (46.66015625)
5 - Wisconsin (11-3) (45.2890625)
6 - Florida State (10-3) (42.53125)
7 - USC (10-3) (42.42578125)
8 - Washington (12-2) (42.298828125)
9 - Michigan (10-3) (40.890625)
10 - Stanford (10-3) (39.5234375)
11 - Tennessee (9-4) (38.25)
12 - Penn State (11-3) (36.96875)
13 - Oklahoma (11-2) (36.671875)
14 - Florida (9-4) (35.078125)
15 - LSU (8-4) (34.1875)
16 - Miami (9-4) (32.296875)
17 - Georgia Tech (9-4) (31.7890625)
18 - Virginia Tech (10-4) (31.515625)
19 - South Florida (11-2) (31.03125)
20 - Minnesota (9-4) (30.0546875)
21 - Northwestern (7-6) (29.9609375)
22 - Oklahoma State (10-3) (28.515625)
23 - Utah (9-4) (28.3671875)
24 - West Virginia (10-3) (28.2265625)
25 - Nebraska (9-4) (28.015625)


1 - Alabama (14-1) (63.6337890625)
2 - Clemson (14-1) (61.47314453125)
3 - Ohio State (12-1) (51.8798828125)
4 - Notre Dame (10-3) (47.94580078125)
5 - Michigan State (12-2) (46.916015625)
6 - Stanford (12-2) (46.29345703125)
7 - Oklahoma (11-2) (46.1142578125)
8 - Iowa (12-2) (45.5986328125)
9 - Michigan (10-3) (45.4853515625)
10 - TCU (11-2) (44.87158203125)
11 - LSU (9-3) (43.322265625)
12 - Ole Miss (10-3) (41.892578125)
13 - Houston (13-1) (40.611328125)
14 - Utah (10-3) (39.6884765625)
15 - Georgia (10-3) (39.4619140625)
16 - Northwestern (10-3) (39.2431640625)
17 - Navy (11-2) (39.0087890625)
18 - Florida (10-4) (38.9072265625)
19 - Baylor (10-3) (38.5673828125)
20 - Mississippi State (9-4) (37.7587890625)
21 - Wisconsin (10-3) (37.54931640625)
22 - Toledo (10-2) (35.5703125)
23 - Florida State (10-3) (35.5400390625)
24 - Tennessee (9-4) (35.275390625)
25 - Memphis (9-4) (35.259765625)


1 - Florida State (13-1) (56.73828125)
2 - Ohio State (14-1) (56.25)
3 - Oregon (13-2) (51.3515625)
4 - TCU (12-1) (49.013671875)
5 - Michigan State (11-2) (47.7421875)
6 - Alabama (12-2) (46.921875)
7 - UCLA (10-3) (44.40234375)
8 - Clemson (10-3) (43.26953125)
9 - Georgia Tech (11-3) (42.1328125)
10 - Ole Miss (9-4) (42.1328125)
11 - Georgia (10-3) (40.6484375)
12 - Arizona State (10-3) (40.23046875)
13 - Missouri (11-3) (39.1875)
14 - Auburn (8-5) (36.953125)
15 - Wisconsin (11-3) (36.921875)
16 - Boise State (12-2) (36.37890625)
17 - Mississippi State (10-3) (35.62890625)
18 - Arizona (10-4) (34.5703125)
19 - Notre Dame (8-5) (34.40625)
20 - Texas A&M (8-5) (34.2109375)
21 - Baylor (11-2) (33.69921875)
22 - LSU (8-5) (32.9375)
23 - Louisville (9-4) (32.8671875)
24 - Arkansas (7-6) (32.6328125)
25 - Utah (9-4) (32.59375)


1 - Florida State (14-0) (66.34375)
2 - Auburn (12-2) (54.555419921875)
3 - Missouri (12-2) (52.0692138671875)
4 - South Carolina (11-2) (50.997802734375)
5 - Clemson (11-2) (49.9207763671875)
6 - Alabama (11-2) (49.4853515625)
7 - UCF (12-1) (46.6239013671875)
8 - Oklahoma (11-2) (45.439453125)
9 - Oregon (11-2) (43.12255859375)
10 - Michigan State (13-1) (42.5400390625)
11 - Texas A&M (9-4) (42.26611328125)
12 - LSU (10-3) (42.04833984375)
13 - UCLA (10-3) (41.15185546875)
14 - Louisville (12-1) (41.14788818359375)
15 - Ole Miss (8-5) (40.66162109375)
16 - Ohio State (12-2) (40.17626953125)
17 - Stanford (11-3) (39.1708984375)
18 - Georgia (8-5) (38.75830078125)
19 - Baylor (11-2) (38.7099609375)
20 - Notre Dame (9-4) (33.970703125)
21 - Vanderbilt (9-4) (33.744873046875)
22 - Washington (9-4) (33.30810546875)
23 - Nebraska (9-4) (32.1962890625)
24 - Oklahoma State (10-3) (32.052734375)
25 - Arizona (8-5) (31.4013671875)


1 - Notre Dame (12-1) (63.9993896484375)
2 - Alabama (13-1) (61.123779296875)
3 - Georgia (12-2) (54.842529296875)
4 - Ohio State (12-0) (52.984375)
5 - Oregon (12-1) (51.0703125)
6 - Florida (11-2) (50.9326171875)
7 - Texas A&M (11-2) (50.81005859375)
8 - South Carolina (11-2) (49.18505859375)
9 - Clemson (11-2) (46.50341796875)
10 - LSU (10-3) (46.20068359375)
11 - Stanford (12-2) (44.953125)
12 - Kansas State (11-2) (40.125)
13 - San José State (11-2) (36.21875)
14 - Florida State (12-2) (36.1630859375)
15 - Oklahoma (10-3) (35.845703125)
16 - Louisville (11-2) (35.052734375)
17 - Texas (9-4) (34.744140625)
18 - Northwestern (10-3) (34.689453125)
19 - Nebraska (10-4) (33.24609375)
20 - Baylor (8-5) (32.9033203125)
21 - Utah State (11-2) (30.76171875)
22 - Michigan (8-5) (30.443359375)
23 - Arizona (8-5) (30.1796875)
24 - UCLA (9-5) (29.7265625)
25 - Vanderbilt (9-4) (29.6337890625)


1 - LSU (13-1) (64.8125)
2 - Alabama (12-1) (59.625)
3 - Arkansas (11-2) (53.34375)
4 - Boise State (12-1) (49.63671875)
5 - Oklahoma (10-3) (46.39453125)
6 - South Carolina (11-2) (46.10546875)
7 - Oklahoma State (12-1) (46.09765625)
8 - Baylor (10-3) (43.36328125)
9 - Kansas State (10-3) (42.228515625)
10 - Houston (13-1) (41.140625)
11 - Michigan (11-2) (40.65625)
12 - Oregon (12-2) (39.0078125)
13 - Stanford (11-2) (36.94140625)
14 - USC (10-2) (35.875)
15 - Wisconsin (11-3) (33.31640625)
16 - Michigan State (11-3) (32.93359375)
17 - Texas (8-5) (32.0703125)
18 - Georgia (10-4) (31.833984375)
19 - Virginia Tech (11-3) (30.8359375)
20 - Texas A&M (7-6) (30.3671875)
21 - TCU (11-2) (29.5703125)
22 - West Virginia (10-3) (29.4765625)
23 - Auburn (8-5) (28.3359375)
24 - Nebraska (9-4) (28.1875)
25 - Penn State (9-4) (27.5859375)

I ran the last one to compare it to the 2011 final standings I posted back when it happened. There are some differences, I think because my old Perl script didn’t count FCS teams.