• final college football poll

    The Michigan Wolverines are this year’s friedcheese.org National Champions!

    1 - Michigan (15-0) (57.75)
    2 - Washington (14-1) (47.6875)
    3 - Georgia (13-1) (43.19091796875)
    4 - Missouri (11-2) (41.837646484375)
    5 - Oregon (12-2) (41.3359375)
    6 - Florida State (13-1) (40.931396484375)
    7 - Ole Miss (11-2) (40.36279296875)
    8 - Ohio State (11-2) (38.8055419921875)
    9 - Alabama (12-2) (37.5380859375)
    10 - LSU (10-3) (36.31591796875)
    11 - Texas (12-2) (34.951171875)
    12 - Penn State (10-3) (34.154052734375)
    13 - Liberty (13-1) (32.396484375)
    14 - Tennessee (9-4) (25.181640625)
    15 - Notre Dame (10-3) (22.98046875)
    16 - Iowa (10-4) (19.74609375)
    17 - Oklahoma (10-3) (19.46484375)
    18 - Arizona (10-3) (19.37109375)
    19 - Clemson (9-4) (18.9453125)
    20 - Kansas State (9-4) (18.4453125)
    21 - Kansas (9-4) (17.40625)
    22 - USC (8-5) (16.91015625)
    23 - Memphis (10-3) (16.765625)
    24 - James Madison (11-2) (14.9296875)
    25 - Rutgers (7-6) (13.9453125)

    And now the all-time list of friedcheese.org National Champions:

    2009 - Alabama
    2010 - Auburn
    2011 - LSU
    2012 - Notre Dame
    2013 - Florida State
    2014 - Florida State
    2015 - Alabama
    2016 - Alabama
    2017 - UCF
    2018 - Clemson
    2019 - LSU
    2020 - Alabama
    2021 - Georgia
    2022 - Georgia
    2023 - Michigan

  • college football poll - week 14 (conference championship edition)

    Georgia drops down to #4 after losing to Alabama, who jumps up to #7. Meanwhile, Michigan, Florida, and Ohio State all slide to the top three spots.

    1 - Michigan (13-0) (43.5546875)
    2 - Florida State (13-0) (40.78125)
    3 - Ohio State (11-1) (38.66796875)
    4 - Georgia (12-1) (38.46630859375)
    5 - Washington (13-0) (38.3046875)
    6 - Texas (12-1) (35.396484375)
    7 - Alabama (12-1) (35.0576171875)
    8 - Penn State (10-2) (35.0546875)
    9 - Missouri (10-2) (34.877685546875)
    10 - Ole Miss (10-2) (34.62255859375)
    11 - Liberty (13-0) (33.48046875)
    12 - Oregon (11-2) (33.421875)
    13 - LSU (9-3) (30.28662109375)
    14 - Oklahoma (10-2) (23.29296875)
    15 - Notre Dame (9-3) (22.70703125)
    16 - Iowa (10-3) (21.806640625)
    17 - James Madison (11-1) (21.03515625)
    18 - Clemson (8-4) (19.4453125)
    19 - Tennessee (8-4) (19.439453125)
    20 - Tulane (11-2) (19.140625)
    21 - Utah (8-4) (18.451171875)
    22 - Troy (11-2) (17.95703125)
    23 - NC State (9-3) (16.978515625)
    24 - Kentucky (7-5) (15.865234375)
    25 - North Carolina (8-4) (15.72265625)

  • college football poll - week 13 (rivalry week)

    Georgia swaps places with Ohio State after the Bulldogs take down in-state rival Georgia Tech and the Buckeyes lose to That Team Up North.

    1 - Georgia (12-0) (41.96875)
    2 - Michigan (12-0) (41.9140625)
    3 - Florida State (12-0) (39.87109375)
    4 - Ohio State (11-1) (38.6015625)
    5 - Washington (12-0) (37.984375)
    6 - Penn State (10-2) (34.921875)
    7 - Ole Miss (10-2) (34.56396484375)
    8 - Missouri (10-2) (34.434326171875)
    9 - Texas (11-1) (33.912109375)
    10 - Alabama (11-1) (33.8154296875)
    11 - Liberty (12-0) (33.4296875)
    12 - Oregon (11-1) (33.28125)
    13 - LSU (9-3) (30.23583984375)
    14 - Tulane (11-1) (26.891357421875)
    15 - Oklahoma (10-2) (22.69921875)
    16 - Notre Dame (9-3) (22.63671875)
    17 - Iowa (10-2) (22.166015625)
    18 - James Madison (11-1) (21.73828125)
    19 - Clemson (8-4) (19.44140625)
    20 - Tennessee (8-4) (19.419921875)
    21 - Utah (8-4) (18.326171875)
    22 - NC State (9-3) (16.8046875)
    23 - Toledo (11-1) (16.623046875)
    24 - Troy (10-2) (16.19140625)
    25 - Kentucky (7-5) (15.767578125)

  • college football poll - week 12

    Ohio State and Florida State swap places, just in time for a 1 v. 2 matchup at Michigan Stadium next Saturday!

    1 - Ohio State (11-0) (38.5703125)
    2 - Michigan (11-0) (38.5234375)
    3 - Florida State (11-0) (38.18359375)
    4 - Georgia (11-0) (37.90625)
    5 - Washington (11-0) (35.046875)
    6 - Penn State (9-2) (33.421875)
    7 - Texas (10-1) (32.541015625)
    8 - Liberty (11-0) (32.0234375)
    9 - Ole Miss (9-2) (31.79931640625)
    10 - Oregon (10-1) (31.71875)
    11 - Missouri (9-2) (31.239501953125)
    12 - Alabama (10-1) (31.1923828125)
    13 - LSU (8-3) (28.09619140625)
    14 - Tulane (10-1) (25.196533203125)
    15 - Notre Dame (8-3) (22.48046875)
    16 - Oklahoma (9-2) (21.92578125)
    17 - Iowa (9-2) (21.720703125)
    18 - James Madison (10-1) (20.150390625)
    19 - Louisville (10-1) (17.53125)
    20 - Clemson (7-4) (17.46484375)
    21 - North Carolina (8-3) (17.28125)
    22 - Tennessee (7-4) (16.63671875)
    23 - Troy (9-2) (16.505859375)
    24 - Utah (7-4) (15.80615234375)
    25 - Kansas State (8-3) (15.67578125)

  • college football poll - week 11

    Some shuffling around near the top! Florida State’s win over Miami moves the Seminoles up to first place, while Michigan’s Harbaugh-less victory in State College moves them to the #2 spot. Meanwhile, Ohio State slides down to #3. And look who finally shows up near the top of the poll? The Georgia Bulldogs are #4 after beating Ole Miss.

    1 - Florida State (10-0) (36.77734375)
    2 - Michigan (10-0) (36.478515625)
    3 - Ohio State (10-0) (36.337890625)
    4 - Georgia (10-0) (34.234375)
    5 - Washington (10-0) (33.30078125)
    6 - James Madison (10-0) (32.9453125)
    7 - Texas (9-1) (30.4609375)
    8 - Penn State (8-2) (30.12890625)
    9 - Oregon (9-1) (30.0234375)
    10 - Missouri (8-2) (28.8818359375)
    11 - Alabama (9-1) (28.76171875)
    12 - Ole Miss (8-2) (28.623046875)
    13 - Liberty (10-0) (26.619140625)
    14 - Tulane (9-1) (23.0146484375)
    15 - LSU (7-3) (22.869140625)
    16 - Iowa (8-2) (20.2060546875)
    17 - Notre Dame (7-3) (20.09765625)
    18 - Oklahoma (8-2) (19.984375)
    19 - Memphis (8-2) (19.16943359375)
    20 - Utah (7-3) (18.8720703125)
    21 - Troy (8-2) (18.33984375)
    22 - North Carolina (8-2) (17.419921875)
    23 - Tennessee (7-3) (16.0380859375)
    24 - Oregon State (8-2) (15.99609375)
    25 - Clemson (6-4) (15.54296875)

  • college football poll - week 10

    No change in the top 5 from last week, but Georgia finally lands in the top 10 after its win over Mizzou.

    1 - Ohio State (9-0) (34.822265625)
    2 - Florida State (9-0) (32.310546875)
    3 - Michigan (9-0) (31.072265625)
    4 - James Madison (9-0) (30.8046875)
    5 - Texas (8-1) (30.5830078125)
    6 - Washington (9-0) (29.994140625)
    7 - Penn State (8-1) (29.83203125)
    8 - Ole Miss (8-1) (28.731689453125)
    9 - Georgia (9-0) (27.86328125)
    10 - Alabama (8-1) (27.30712890625)
    11 - Oregon (8-1) (26.30712890625)
    12 - Missouri (7-2) (23.6627197265625)
    13 - Liberty (9-0) (22.447265625)
    14 - Oklahoma (7-2) (22.197265625)
    15 - LSU (6-3) (21.034423828125)
    16 - Tulane (8-1) (20.8658447265625)
    17 - Iowa (7-2) (19.1904296875)
    18 - Kansas (7-2) (18.759765625)
    19 - Notre Dame (7-3) (18.69140625)
    20 - Troy (7-2) (18.5595703125)
    21 - Utah (7-2) (18.545166015625)
    22 - Memphis (7-2) (17.30010986328125)
    23 - Tennessee (7-2) (17.19921875)
    24 - Oregon State (7-2) (15.24658203125)
    25 - North Carolina (7-2) (14.935546875)

  • college football poll - week 9

    Oklahoma’s loss to Kansas drops the Sooners down to #11 and consequently Texas, who they beat in the Red River Rivalry, down a few spots as well, leaving space for Ohio State, Florida State, and Michigan to move up to the top 3 spots.

    1 - Ohio State (8-0) (32.541015625)
    2 - Florida State (8-0) (28.9677734375)
    3 - Michigan (8-0) (28.96484375)
    4 - James Madison (8-0) (28.03125)
    5 - Texas (7-1) (27.96826171875)
    6 - Penn State (7-1) (27.1015625)
    7 - Washington (8-0) (26.767578125)
    8 - Alabama (7-1) (25.734130859375)
    9 - Ole Miss (7-1) (25.0623779296875)
    10 - Oregon (7-1) (24.91455078125)
    11 - Oklahoma (7-1) (24.2021484375)
    12 - Missouri (7-1) (23.173065185546875)
    13 - Air Force (8-0) (21.818359375)
    14 - Liberty (8-0) (20.611328125)
    15 - Georgia (8-0) (20.068359375)
    16 - Notre Dame (7-2) (19.52734375)
    17 - LSU (6-2) (19.46966552734375)
    18 - Tulane (7-1) (18.76165771484375)
    19 - Utah (6-2) (17.838623046875)
    20 - UCLA (6-2) (17.589599609375)
    21 - Iowa (6-2) (16.9931640625)
    22 - Tennessee (6-2) (15.7821044921875)
    23 - Kansas (6-2) (15.115234375)
    24 - USC (7-2) (14.5927734375)
    25 - Fresno State (7-1) (14.0283203125)

  • college football poll - week 8

    The Sooners stay on top, but Penn State drops to #8 after losing to Ohio State, making room for Texas to slide up to #2.

    1 - Oklahoma (7-0) (28.375)
    2 - Texas (6-1) (27.9140625)
    3 - Ohio State (7-0) (27.6953125)
    4 - Michigan (8-0) (27.51708984375)
    5 - Florida State (7-0) (27.15625)
    6 - James Madison (7-0) (25.115234375)
    7 - Alabama (7-1) (25.046875)
    8 - Penn State (6-1) (23.8701171875)
    9 - Washington (7-0) (22.953125)
    10 - Ole Miss (6-1) (21.19921875)
    11 - Utah (6-1) (20.9046630859375)
    12 - Missouri (7-1) (20.7578125)
    13 - Oregon (6-1) (20.33984375)
    14 - Air Force (7-0) (19.4378662109375)
    15 - LSU (6-2) (18.59765625)
    16 - Liberty (7-0) (18.254638671875)
    17 - Georgia (7-0) (17.45703125)
    18 - Oregon State (6-1) (17.434326171875)
    19 - North Carolina (6-1) (16.64453125)
    20 - UCLA (5-2) (16.6312255859375)
    21 - Notre Dame (6-2) (16.40625)
    22 - Iowa (6-2) (15.91650390625)
    23 - Tulane (6-1) (14.674560546875)
    24 - Wyoming (5-2) (13.989990234375)
    25 - Georgia State (6-1) (13.78857421875)

  • college football poll - week 7

    Louisville plummets from #4 last week down to #25 after losing to Pitt, while the Sooners stay on top during their bye week.

    1 - Oklahoma (6-0) (24.859375)
    2 - Penn State (6-0) (24.13720703125)
    3 - Texas (5-1) (23.04296875)
    4 - Michigan (7-0) (22.859619140625)
    5 - North Carolina (6-0) (22.77734375)
    6 - Ohio State (6-0) (21.85546875)
    7 - Florida State (6-0) (21.7734375)
    8 - Iowa (6-1) (21.506103515625)
    9 - Washington (6-0) (21.427734375)
    10 - Alabama (6-1) (19.841796875)
    11 - James Madison (6-0) (18.12896728515625)
    12 - Ole Miss (5-1) (16.857421875)
    13 - Air Force (6-0) (16.76226806640625)
    14 - Notre Dame (6-2) (16.46875)
    15 - Missouri (6-1) (15.84375)
    16 - Liberty (6-0) (15.226348876953125)
    17 - Georgia (7-0) (14.89794921875)
    18 - LSU (5-2) (14.7099609375)
    19 - Utah (5-1) (14.534149169921875)
    20 - Oregon State (6-1) (14.41204833984375)
    21 - Oregon (5-1) (13.7901611328125)
    22 - USC (6-1) (13.48046875)
    23 - Wyoming (5-2) (12.6063232421875)
    24 - UCLA (4-2) (12.552703857421875)
    25 - Louisville (6-1) (11.46484375)

  • college football poll - week 6

    Oklahoma jumps to #1 after its win in the Red River Rivalry, and Penn State drops to #5 thanks to having a bye this week. Louisville jumps up from #23 to #4 after its win over the Fighting Irish.

    1 - Oklahoma (6-0) (22.28515625)
    2 - Texas (5-1) (19.9453125)
    3 - Michigan (6-0) (18.478515625)
    4 - Louisville (6-0) (17.28466796875)
    5 - Penn State (5-0) (17.247314453125)
    6 - Florida State (5-0) (15.90478515625)
    7 - Alabama (5-1) (15.63818359375)
    8 - North Carolina (5-0) (15.0511474609375)
    9 - Ohio State (5-0) (14.85150146484375)
    10 - Iowa (5-1) (14.005126953125)
    11 - Washington (5-0) (13.65234375)
    12 - Washington State (4-1) (13.5234375)
    13 - Ole Miss (5-1) (13.0888671875)
    14 - Georgia (6-0) (12.517135620117188)
    15 - Notre Dame (5-2) (12.4530029296875)
    16 - Oregon (5-0) (12.361328125)
    17 - Liberty (5-0) (12.1712646484375)
    18 - James Madison (5-0) (12.1295166015625)
    19 - USC (6-0) (12.1202392578125)
    20 - Wisconsin (4-1) (11.87188720703125)
    21 - Oregon State (5-1) (11.734375)
    22 - Utah (4-1) (11.546875)
    23 - UCLA (4-1) (11.50390625)
    24 - Wyoming (5-1) (10.768310546875)
    25 - Duke (4-1) (9.45452880859375)

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